Praia do Santinho is such a lovely peaceful place.... Its really good to relax in the sun for a few days before sight seeing in Rio. It´s hot, sunny, with lovely sandy beaches... And a chance to see dolphins and whales! Both Hedda and I agree that the Posada and the hospitality of the people that own it are amazing. If you ever get the chance come out here!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Iguaçu Falls
I know there's been a lack of posting around here lately, but Claire and I have been having too much fun.... But now that Claire has headed for Englands snowy shores, I have been able to catch up on some photo uploading..
So, here are some photos of our trip to Iguazú / Iguaçu Falls (how d'ya like that, I give you both the Spanish and Portugese spelling).
We spent a total of 3 days at the falls, both on the Brazillian side and the Argentinian side. The Brazillian side of the falls gives the best panoramic views, and the Argentinian side allows you to get really close. We took a boat trip that zooms you around the falls and even gives you a shower underneath them....
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Did I hear it was snowing back home and a little chilly? Hmmm? Eh? Well I thought you´d be pleased to know its in the 30´s here in Brazil, sunny, hot and very blue sky... If that isn´t enough for you Hedda and I are off to test out the lovely beaches in Florianopolis tonight for a 4 day stay! Obviously we´d hate for you to miss out on the experience so will keep you posted! Oh yes indeedy!
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Sunday, March 23, 2008
In the jungle the quiet jungle the lion sleeps tonight....
We have just been in the jungle for 3 days. It was amazing! I have always wanted to go to the jungle since the days of A-level geography! Very very very hot and humid! It rained which isn´t surprising for a Rain forest, however...this brought out the spiders....which was surprising to me for some reason... completely forgot that there were likely to be millions of huge spiders in the jungle! Thank the lordy that a Danish bloke, taller than me, was in front of me on the trail.. So, basically cleared the trail of cobwebs by walking into them.
I have to say Hedda was brave and went for a night walk... No torches.... Just wobbling through the jungle with all the critters...and thank you!
We went for a paddle in a boat on the Iguazu river so that you get the full feel for how massive the rain forest is! Slight miss hap...a Dutch girl and i were helping a lady out of the boat and the cement ramp we were standing on broke off into the river....yupp nearly went floating towards the waterfalls...and Cayman....and what did Hedda do? Hmm? Stood laughing from dry ground!
Had a fantastic time really really glad we went...I think we are both in agreement with that!
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Friday, March 21, 2008
Is it a bus or is it a plane!
We landed in Puerto Iguazu this morning after a 16 hour bus ride from Buenos Aires. Now does the thought of a 16 hour bus journey make you cringe and your bum go numb.... Well now then... Do they have buses here, or do they have buses... We are talking about seats that turn into beds, meals, wine and a lovely whiskey nightcap... Hee hee totally unreal... Feels like you are travelling first class with BA. So it might be sad, but I´m actually quite looking forward to the next bus trip!
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Thursday, March 20, 2008
We're on the bus to Puerto Iguazu in a couple of hours. It's an 18 hour bus ride, and because I'm traveling with my Princess Claire we've upgraded ourselves to the fancy bus.
We'll have beds, fully reclining beds. I love it!
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Just like being married
We're sitting at a table with a glass of vino tinto in hand, tango music fills the room, it's dark, there's dancing on stage, the audience is quiet.
I lean forward, burp in Claire's direction and seductively whisper 'Onion' in her ear....
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¡Hola! Buenos Aires!
Hee hee this is really exciting...three reasons really...firstly I have never written on a bloggy blog, 2ndly Hedda has given me permission to write on her blog (dangerous!), and 3rdly and most importantly....the reason for the bloggy blog is that Hedda invited me out to meet her in Argentina....and here I am!
Buenos Aires is a fab city...really one you could comfortably fit and live in. Really reminds me of Rome; with the laid back attitude to life, fantastic food, fabulous building and lovely wine. Of course we´ve had to try a few bottles just to be on the safe side! Where Buenos Aires really differs is the total love of dancing and music, and more importantly the sharing of this. Impromptu bands, singers and tangoing in the streets...just makes it a top banana place to wobble around and enjoy.
So where have we been.....pretty much everywhere! I have my very own experienced guide...Hedda. Who apart from the scintillating conversation (obviously!) has been top banana at getting us around the city. Speaking Spanish (not the usual English way of just speaking louder and with a slight french accent....erm Stupot!) here just makes life so easy.....
Sunday 16th
Hed´s met me at the airport...great to see her after ooo about a year. So global traveller meets up with...erm Maidstoneite....
Our first port of call on the days´ itinerary is back to the Hostel in San Telmo region of the city. This in itself for any of my family and friends reading this is an experience to say the least. Do you know its not that bad!?! It´s clean...and its clean...and its erm the beds are comfy...I always wanted bunk beds...well now I have one! Ooo and they have this spread for breakfast which is just like banoffee pie toffee bit...cooked condense milk...its gorgeous and a massive sugar rush in the morning!
Off to La Boca - this is another region of the city by the old port area... its a poor part of the city such that historically families living her have always struggled. So to make up for the hardships of the past they paint all of the houses different colours. It shouldn´t work...but it does! There should be mucho clasho (poor I know) but there isn´t. Its full of tango dancing in the street and a fair few odd people, not scary just a bit the man with tights on his head selling tights no less....with a skin tight super hero suit on!
Made an astonishing discovery in La Boca over lunch of the local delicacy of Empañadas......Cornish Pasties....honestly! I have photographic evidence of Cornish pasties in South America!
We then we wobbled back to San Telmo for the Sunday Antiques market....its really an excuse for families to get together in the parks and have a picnic or wonder along La Defensa watching the impromptu bands and dancing up and down the street...its great! Ooo and they sell empañadas all over the place....its pastie heaven! Our first real taste of proper tango was in this area with a full blown spango tango open air show in one of the little was great! How their legs don´t fly off I have no idea.
Evening meal...can you guess....steak! Beautiful! blog to follow tomorrow...I have some catching up to do on the days as it is now Wednesday and tomorrow is our last day in Buenos Aires...but I had to use my first bloggy blog to waffle! And now I´ve done it! Bye for now!
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Saturday, March 15, 2008
Impending Arrival
Woo hoo!
Tomorrow CLAIREY arrives. Here in Argentina. For 3 whole weeks. We're going to party.
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Friday, March 14, 2008
Hiking in the Fitzroys
These are the photos from our time in the Fitzroy Range. We had a fantastic time camping for 5 days and doing some lazy hiking. The mountain range is absolutely spectacular, and we lucked out for most of the days with beautiful blue skies...
On day 4 as we made our way to camp the wind started to pick up, and the rain started to fall. And it didn't stop. So we spent a wet and windy night wondering if our belongings would fall out of the trees, or the tent would blow away.
Our stuff was hanging in the trees because we'd heard from other hikers that there is a 'mouse problem' at the Torre campground. Mice that like to eat backpacks and eat through your tent to get to your food, not very nice mice. So we hung everything in our backpacks from a line strung between two trees and covered it with bin liners to keep out the rain. I then spent the night listening to the pitter patter of little mice feet and the eek eek eek for little mice voices. We survived unscathed by mice, but wet with a soggy tent to pack up.
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Thursday, March 13, 2008
We're in El Calafate, from where we headed into the Southern end of the Los Glaciers National Park to see the Moreno Glacier....
Chunks of ice as big as our house are floating in the water.... The noise as ice falls from the face is like a sonic boom.
Tonight is Kenny B's Birthday. So we're planning a lil party for him, with some tequila. Oh boy.
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Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Cruisin' the Beagle Channel
Ushuaia is the main port for Antarctic departures, and last minute trips are available if there is space. We thought about it, but not for long. Our budget just doesn't stretch that far!!
So instead we hopped onto a boat for a cruise in the Beagle Channel. And were treated to lots of wildlife, beautiful still water, fantastic scenery and a relaxing afternoon.
The pengins down here are Magellanic Penguins, there are approximately 1,800,000 breeding pairs that are only found on the Falkland Islands, in Argentina and Chile. We were also lucky to see some Gentoo Penguins. These guys breed in Sub Antartic regions and on the Antartic Peninsular and have some 320,000 breeding pairs flapping around....
I love the penguins. Which reminds me to post a link to the Yellow Eye Penguin Trust... We were lucky enough to see the Hohiho (their Maori name) Penguins in the wild while we were in New Zealand - they are the worlds rarest Penguin with only 1500 pairs. The trust has recently purchased an additional 12km stretch of land in the Catlins at Long Point to preserve their breeding ground. This makes me Happy.
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Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Fin del Mundo (sort of)
We made it to Ushuaia, only a 15hr bus ride away. Yeuch. We arrived in town at 9pm and started checking out the hostels looking for a bed. Any bed. It's coming to the end of the season down here, so lots of places are closed and the places that are open are full.
At 10pm we met a guy on the street who has an apartment. A two bedroom apartment with kitchen and bathroom, a new apartment. It feels like heaven. We're the only people staying there.
I must confess I don't feel as though I'm going to fall off the planet, but apparently we are rotating a little slower down here.
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Saturday, March 01, 2008
Day 8
The final day.
The alarm was set for 5.45am, we pulled on our clothes after a chilly night at Camp Las Torres and hit the trail in the dark, our path lit by our headlamps.
The trail follows a small stream up the valley towards the towers and then disappears into a pile of boulders. Big boulders. Lots of really big rocks and boulders.
It's dark, it's windy and we're climbing boulders up and up. Boulders that never end. The climb takes a good 45 minutes and we headed up the ridgeline and waited for the sun to rise.
Michael had brought our stove and breakfast makings. So coffee and oatmeal preparation was underway as the sun came up.
We were so lucky with the weather, the clouds parted over the top of the towers allowing the first morning sun to illuminate them. We sat and watched the colours change.
After breakfast it was back down the boulders to camp, a quick pack up and the final hike out of the valley.
Distance: 9.5km
Dinner: No more pasta, we're heading out for MEAT. Mmmm.
Pack: Thrown down on the hostal floor
Feet: Headed into a shower
Weather: I don't care anymore, I'm not walking in it.
Total Kilometers: 130km (that's 80 miles on foot)
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