Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 1

Originally uploaded by m_hagen

We're packed and ready to go... The bus picks us up from the hostel at 7.30am and it's off to the Torres del Paine (PIE-nay) National Park.
We get off the bus, and within 15 minutes have removed our shoes to negotiate a flooded river and missed the turn for the start of the trail... We realize that we have missed the turn 4km down the road. So, we keep going forwards, until the next trail which will take us in the right direction. Just what I really needed, an extra 6.5ks of hiking when my pack is heavy. So, we stop for lunch - with every bite the pack gets a little lighter, or am I imagining it?
The afternoon is spent hiking towards our first destination - Camp Seron. Where we put up the tent and prepare our dinner.

Distance: 16.5 kms

Dinner: Pasta

Pack: Heavy

Feet: Wet

Weather: Sunny

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