Michael is on his way back from E Timor with another Indonesian Visa, for 60 days. When he went to the Embassy to collect his Passport, he was ushered into the office of the Indonesian Attache. He had to write a letter explaining why he needed another 60 days in Indonesia.
I imagine the letter went something like this:
Dear Sir,
Please give me another 60 day visa, there's a big swell coming.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Letter for a visa
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Ra Ra Rasputin Russias Greatest Love Machine
If you spend more than a few days in Kupang then you'll notice that the Telekom Internet only has one CD. Maybe it's a tape, in fact I'm pretty sure it's probably a tape.
I can now sing every word to "I Know Him So Well" - both the Elaine Paige and Barbara Dickson vocals. Which is fine, however it's keeping me awake at night, and that is not good.
My other recent musical discovery was made in Malaysia. Did you know that I know every Boney M song on their Greatest Hits album? No? Well I had no idea either, until Christine and I were headed to the train station and our driver thought he could distract us from the fact that he was driving at over 90mph in a lane entirely of his own creation. Cars were forced off the road, and Christine was forced to listen to my rendition of Hooray Hooray its a Holi-Holiday.
Lordy, I need to get an iPod.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
It's a dusty place
OK, so I've covered the fact that there's not much to see or do in Kupang. I know I could probably have found myself a guide and visited some local villages, or done some exploring in the countryside. But, to be frank, I'm feeling lazy. So walking around Kupang is as good as it gets.
My favorite part of these walks are the constant greetings I receive. Cries of "Hello Mister" from school children who laugh then run away. The Bemo drivers honk their horns and call out "Where you go Mister", the Ojecks (motorcycle taxis) pull alongside and ask "Where you from Mister". In Kupang I am a Mister. Not a Miss or a Mrs, but a Mister.
More than anywhere else I've been in Indonesia the people here what to talk to me, find out where I'm from, and where I'm going. They're thrilled when I try to talk to them in Indonesian, and always want to teach me a new word or phrase. If I'm eating, they pull up a chair and teach me about the food. If I'm walking, they walk alongside and talk about the weather. And if I'm online they pull up a chair and read over my shoulder. Yes. It's time for me to stop typing and try out some more of my Indonesian....
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
All I want is some wine
3 Years today!! That's right folks.... Michael and I are celebrating our Wedding Anniversary - in separate countries.
He's still in East Timor, and I am still in Indonesia (West Timor). The good news is that he'll be back on Thursday, and on Friday we're off to Rote for some quality beach time. Surf for him, sand and sea for me! We're planning to celebrate on Rote - with a fancy dinner, and maybe just maybe I'll get to drink a glass of wine... It's been beer all the way here in Indonesia!
I still think he's the best dance partner in the world.
If you want a trip down memory lane, then all the photos are here.
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Photos online now
Ok. It took a while, but I managed to get some photos uploaded. You can see some of Flores here.
Michael is still in Dili (E. Timor) - he should have some great photos when he gets back.... Visa is only taking 3 days, and it sounds like they're giving him another 60 days in Indonesia.....
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
Timor, but which one?
We're in Timor, not the same Timor, but Timor none the less. I am in West Timor (Kupang to be precise), Michael is in East Timor - on his way to Dili on a visa run!
A 10 hour bus ride, 5 days waiting for the visa to be issued and another 10 hour bus ride back will keep him occupied for a full 7 days.
I am relaxing, reading, eating and not much else - 'cause there's not much to be done in Kupang!! It used to be a busy port town with a weekly flight to Darwin, but since the flight was cancelled there's not much reason to spend time here. The bars are empty, there are barely any places to eat and the whole place has a feeling of better times past....
I am determined to upload some photos of Flores. So, we'll see if the internet connection here can handle it!!
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Friday, May 25, 2007
Early morning motorbike ride
We had a great time in Flores - the final part of the trip included a 4am wake-up call and a 4.30am departure (by motorbike) to the Kelimutu Volcano for sunrise.
The ride took just under 45 minutes - all in the darkness with a million stars above. A 20 minute walk (again in the dark) to the crater rim, where we watched the sun come up. It was cold with patchy cloud, but the views were spectacular.
There are three crater lakes at the top of Kelimutu - each one is a different colour, something to do with the minerals in the volcano. One lake is a brilliant turquoise, another a browninsh red and the last is almost black.
Having watched the sun rise we warmed ourselves up by walking back to the village. The walk took just over 2 hours, thankfully all of it downhill, passing through villages, by hot springs and a waterfall. Back into Moni in time for breakfast!
We're now in Ende (I like it here!) - flying today to Kupang in West Timor.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Making our way across Flores
I found Michael hiding out in Labuan Bajo, Flores.... He's sick (which we can talk about another time) so the going is slow...
However, we have made our way across Flores with a couple of stops along the way. We spent a couple of nights in Bajawa visiting local villages and meeting the Ngada people. Their belief system is based (loosely I'd say) on Catholicism, which they combine with ancestor worship and the odd sacrifice or two.
We were lucky enough to stumble across a festival for the Virgin Mary. She was being carried by the members of one village, and delivered to the wise men of the neighboring village. There was a lot of dancing, some singing and general celebrations. As soon as I get to a decent Internet connection (don't ask how SLOW this one is!) I will post photos. It was really fantastic.
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
Dragon Drool!
I went hunting for dragons yesterday. And look what I found .... They're big and not very pretty. This one was drooling - I think he was eyeing up my leg for his breakfast!
The boat trip out to the island took just under 3 hours, and as soon as I stepped off the boat I was met by a snoozing dragon. He opened one eye, and, having checked me out, closed it again. I took this as the sign that I could pass.
A few of the dragons hang out by the ranger station, but I was lucky enough to see one in the wild too. I went on a hike around the island with a guide, who carried a BIG stick - like a stick could keep one of these things off me if it was really hungry. We saw buffalo, wild pigs, a small lizard or two and a Komodo Dragon hiding in the shade of a large rock. It's an impressive sight.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Well, tomorrow I'm on a plane East to Labuanbajo on the island of Flores. I'm hoping to find my husband. I think he's already there.... And if I can't find him, then I'm one step closer to Komodo - where I can spot myself a dragon!!
Hans arrived in Bali late yesterday, today we managed to meet up for lunch.
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Monday, May 14, 2007
Back in Bali! Just for a few days before I head East to meet Michael.... I'm currently 'grounded' - the doctors at the medical clinic have advised me not to fly. Which is pretty funny considering I came here on a plane. Hmmm...
I've had a massive case of head congestion since diving, and it has moved into my Eustachian tube. In fact they are completely blocked, swollen and angry! This means that my hearing is not great. Really not great. I can barely hear. Which in Kuta is quite a blessing in disguise. I no longer have to listen calls of:
Want transport? Transport Miss? Transport Honey? Hey darling where you go? You need ride? Manicure Miss?
And, for the record, NO, I do not want a wooden penis bottle opener, thank you very much.
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
I decided to surprise Mum at the airport (well done Dad, you kept the secret!), and surprised she was. You can see the photo here. It's really pretty funny, and I'm sure she'll be thrilled that I posted it - on the internet!
We had a really fantastic time, cramming all sorts of activities into a very short space of time. Needless to say the best part of their visit was just spending time together.
They are now on their way Down Under, and I have one more day in Singapore before I head to Indonesia.
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
Holy moly, the Navy are in town. Our first clue was the short haircuts, the second clue was the always travelling in 3s thing, the third clue was the uniform of polo shirts and cargo shorts.... 3 boats pulled into Singapore yesterday for some R&R. And they were everywhere!
Last night we hit the town for some dancing and some drinking..... The club was FULL with US Navy, Australian Navy, US Marines and their minders. That's right - they have minders.... Dressed in white polo shirts, not drinking, keeping an eye on the partying, making sure their charges don't get into any trouble, and escorting them out of there in time for their 2am curfew....
We got our groove on, had some cocktails and stumbled home at 4....
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Monday, May 07, 2007
Another train journey.... South this time. We're leaving Malaysia and heading to Singapore for some fun (and maybe a little shopping!)
The train departed at 9pm. We spent a solid 3 hours at the train station being harassed by the local 'boys'. Not a particularly dangerous situation, but uncomfortable and honestly downright annoying.
We had both bought supplies at the local market, water, snacks and I added a packet of Lucky Stars. What is a Lucky Star?? Well it's a little origami, a little fun.... I spent my time at the station, and some of the 14 hours of the journey making my Lucky Stars. If you'd like one, just drop me an email....
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Saturday, May 05, 2007
Christine and I had decided to come to Malaysia to do our Padi Open Water Diver Course.... There are beautiful fish, pretty coral and, most importantly, the sea is warm.
We completed the course over 3 days - the first day of which was spent practicing our underwater 'skills'.... Like taking off our mask, throwing away our respirator and other such riveting things.
I think our instructor thought we were completely crazy! We were both totally comfortable at the bottom of the ocean, floating around, adjusting our buoyancy, at one with the fish, talking with turtles, dancing with jellyfish.... I was just not so good at making it down there. The whole 'equalizing' the ear pressure thing is not easy. It's like my head is going to implode and feels something like the hangover you have if you've started in on a bottle of tequila and forgotten to stop.
We are both now proud owners of a Scuba Diva T-shirt - I kid you not.
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Thursday, May 03, 2007
Can someone please explain to me why it is IMPOSSIBLE to pee while diving. I just can't figure it out. I'm surrounded by water, it's comfortable, there's no-one around except the fish, so why can't I pee??
I have to get into the boat, ride back to the dive shop, take off my wetsuit and then, and only then can I pee. I can't figure it out.
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Tuesday, May 01, 2007
So, after the long train ride we arrived in Wakaf Bharu, where we made our way to the coastal town of Koala Besut - from here we arranged a boat to take us over to the Islands. We had decided to base ourselves on Besar, and check out the dive options. It was 5pm when the boat finally left the mainland, the sea was choppy and I was launched from my seat continuously on the journey! This is a quick video of our boat ride over to the Islands....
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Wee hee! I'm in Malaysia. The Prehension sorry make that, Perhentian Islands.
Michael and Rich left for Sumbawa - for a boys surf trip. I flew to Singapore. After a hectic 16 hours arranging tickets and frantically emailing with Christine I made it to the train station. Our plan was for me to get onto the train in Singapore, and for her to travel from Kuala Lumpur to Gemas, where she would board the train that I was on. Of course all the best laid plans.......
I arrived at the train station with plenty of time to spare - no way I'm risking missing the train. Departure time was 6.15pm and Christine was due to board in Gemas at 11pm. From where we would continue overnight to Wakaf Barhu, the drop off point for the Prehension Perhentian Islands.
At about 6pm I wandered to the ticket desk to find out when I could board the train. The train was delayed until 7.30pm. At 7.15 I wandered to the ticket desk to find out when the train was leaving. It's scheduled to depart at 9pm. At 9pm - just for laughs - I ask when the train is leaving. At 10pm. All this time there is no announcement, no notification of any delay, nothing but silence and a lot of people wandering around.
At 10pm I board the train, again - no announcement, just luck. I'm in an upper sleeping berth, so I heft my luggage up and get settled in for the night. At 1am we're still in Singapore. Still in the train station, still not going anywhere. I decide to go to sleep.
All the while Christine is sitting in Gemas. Equally clueless as to what time the train will arrive. After midnight the train station clears out and she is the only person left sitting on the platform, in the dark. The ticket clerk takes pity on her and gives her a key to a porters break room, where she can lock herself in for a few hours sleep. They promise to wake her when the train arrives.
We pull into Gemas at 6am - 7 hours behind schedule. I am the only person awake on the train, struggling to open the door hoping that Christine will be on the platform. She is. In fact she's been there for a staggering 14 hours!
The train continues on it's way North with both of us sleeping for a couple more hours. But it's not over... We wake up and discover that I slept through Singapore/Malaysian immigration! Apparently, 30 minutes after the train departs from Singapore, right before we cross into Malaysia there is an immigration check point. Everyone gets off the train and is processed by immigration. First you 'leave' Singapore, then you 'enter' Malaysia. I am in the North of Malaysia without a Singapore exit stamp in my passport, and no Malaysian entry stamp. In fact they just don't know that I am even here!
It's a bank holiday, so all official offices are closed. Bugger it. We decide to head to the Islands and deal with it later!
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