Sunday, May 20, 2007


Uploaded by ladyhedda.

Dragon Drool!

I went hunting for dragons yesterday. And look what I found .... They're big and not very pretty. This one was drooling - I think he was eyeing up my leg for his breakfast!

The boat trip out to the island took just under 3 hours, and as soon as I stepped off the boat I was met by a snoozing dragon. He opened one eye, and, having checked me out, closed it again. I took this as the sign that I could pass.

A few of the dragons hang out by the ranger station, but I was lucky enough to see one in the wild too. I went on a hike around the island with a guide, who carried a BIG stick - like a stick could keep one of these things off me if it was really hungry. We saw buffalo, wild pigs, a small lizard or two and a Komodo Dragon hiding in the shade of a large rock. It's an impressive sight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're waiting on pins and needles to find the outcome of your adventure. Does she meet Michael... or only the drooling dragon? Perhaps a kiss will transform the drooling dragon into the long lost Michael.....